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Thanksgiving Mass 2017Flower Girls and Bell Ringer in Eucharistic Procession 1945Manawa Tapu Māori Club 1970s


Welcome to HERstory, the digital archives of Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Hamilton.

You are currently viewing the site in public mode. If you register, you will see and be able to interact with more archives. This includes tagging people, suggesting corrections for files, and it also provides the ability for you to upload your own historical material (see User Guidelines here). Your support and contribution to HERstory is vital to its growth and success so please Register here.

HERstory began 135 years ago when the Mission Sisters founded the College in 1884. We are now digitally capturing this rich history, tracing the footsteps of alumni through the years and delivering it to you for your enjoyment. Our key objective is to create a repository in which past and current students, teachers and their families can visit to reminisce and reconnect through the photos, articles and stories of the many generations of women that have and will become part of our HERstory.

Using the search tools you can easily explore the many photos, school magazines and collections available. You may also like to join our HERstory Facebook page as here we will keep you up to date with new site content and also seek your input as we identify unmarked photos and memorabilia.

We hope you enjoy reminiscing and reconnecting with your HERstory.



Taylor Swift Club 2016Pasifika Group 2003Club Africa 2015Blue Murrine BowlKokiritia ngā ahurewa teitei o ngā tipuna AwardCommemorative Window in Notre Dame CentreKAL Class 2014Honours BoardsAmnesty International Group 2014Student Diary Cover 2018Flower Girls and Bell Ringer in Eucharistic Procession 1945Basketball game on Convent courtsMinisters of the Eucharist 2017Mary Prendergast Memorial Cup for OratoryClub Africa 2018Heads of Faculty 2007St Mary's Convent (no date)St Mary's Convent 1969Pasifika Group 2013SADD Group 2017Sister Pauline LeonardPathway leading to the classrooms and convent of St Mary's 1918Pasifika Group 2014Tennis Term 1 2017Interior of St Mary's Convent Chapel 1949Senior Council 2020Peer Support and Student Wellbeing Team 2017College Social Hall 1967Staff 2018Aunties 2003Ministers of the Eucharist 2018Manawa Tapu Māori Club 1970sAllyson Gibbons - PrincipalMGI Class 2015Young Vinnies 2016Form Class 9KW 2002St Mary's Convent 1910Wonder Girl Up Club 2018Girls with PatchGlasgow Trip 2014Year 13 Cohort 2014Liturgy Group 2017Mary Hughes Memorial Cup Awarded for Outstanding Contribution to The ArtsMahuta Family Trophy for Leadership in Māori Language & CultureDuke of Edinburgh Bronze Cohort 2015Aerial view of St Mary's Convent 2002Form Class 13JW 2005Aspiring Typists 1949Staff 2001Form Class 13LM 2002
